
Y.z. kami blue dome i
Y.z. kami blue dome i

y.z. kami blue dome i y.z. kami blue dome i

Since the 1980s Paul Laffoley, also known as the Boston Visionary Cell, has been designing intricate axis mundi that map human esotericism.

y.z. kami blue dome i

A photograph by Carsten Höller depicts vignettes based on the artist’s experiment at the Hamburger Bahnhof where reindeers expelled psychedelic urine from eating magic mushrooms for controlled consumption by willing viewers. In the painting Untitled (Great Mission Inside My Brain) (2014), Piotr Uklański embraces pseudoscience to explore compositional chakras and cosmic craft in a New Age mandala on canvas. The figure abstracts itself in The Clever Fox (2014) by Dan Colen, in which a multitude of metal studs stands in for the erotic body. Similarly, in Marina Abramović’s shamanistic bust, healing crystals emerge from all surfaces of the face, tracing points of energy as they breach from the source. The painting portrays a libidinal trifecta rising from a vortex: a muscular hirsute, a serpentine leather cop, and a burlesque animus. The moment of awakening is detailed in The Fountain of Wisdom (1988–89) by the late clairvoyant and remote viewer Ingo Swann. Once activated, the body’s energies tune through the spinal column and a universal consciousness sets in, like the opening of the so-called “third eye.”ĭorothy Iannone’s iconic work I Was Thinking of You II (1975/2005), a freestanding painting containing a video of the artist, celebrates the uninhibited joy of sexuality. The awakening can occur through intense meditation or even traumatic experience. The kundalini (coiled snake) is thought to be a latent energy column that lies dormant at the base of the spine. “The Rainbow Serpent” is an exhibition concerning cosmic aesthetics, transcendental insight, and erotic mysticism that takes the awakening of the kundalini as a curatorial conceit. When all the knots of the heart are unloosened, then even here, in this human birth, the mortal becomes immortal.

Y.z. kami blue dome i